My life as I follow Jesus Christ, and live life as a husband, father, friend, pastor, runner, coach, and sinner who found forgiveness and favor with God.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summertime Goals Part 2: SPIRITUAL (if there is such a thing)

It's Summertime, and that is a great time to set goals. June 1 - August 28 is 90 days and that's a perfect timeframe to really focus. Last post was about health (and infomercials), this one is about spiritual goals.

I'm not sure I'm in full theological agreement with Rob Bell, but he coined a phrase that I really agree with: "Everything Is Spiritual" meaning there shouldn't be such a thing as the "spiritual" part of life, the "family" part of life, the "work" part of life, etc.. When living life as a true follower of Christ, everything we do is spiritual:

1 Corinthians 10:31 "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

Colossians 3:17,23 "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him...And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men"

Now that I've set a theological stance that "everything is spiritual" I'm going to break that mold and set some "spiritual goals" for the summer! (p.s. Even Rob Bell has what they call "spiritual practices" so I guess if he can break the phrase, to clarify a point, I can too!)

Goal #1: Read through the entire Bible in 90 days. I'm going to openly confess that I'm not sure I've ever read through the Bible in a year...but that's not going to keep me from trying to do it in 90 days. Personally, I could care less if you read a verse a day, a chapter a day, really doesn't matter. Everyday there are people out there that read the Bible that don't have an ounce of God's heart in them. Reading alone doesn't change anything - but feeding on the Word of God for revelation and relationship with Jesus does - and that's my summertime plan. It's about 12 pages a day, which is a lot - but I really want to spend this summer with my Bible open, and so it's a goal I have made.

Goal #2: Coming Soon

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