My life as I follow Jesus Christ, and live life as a husband, father, friend, pastor, runner, coach, and sinner who found forgiveness and favor with God.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fatbusters Update: The Curse of Thanksgiving

"You can fool yourself, but you can't fool the scale."

Those were my thoughts as I stood on the scale today after a week of eating just about anything and everything at my parent's house last week for Thanksgiving vacation. My mom loves to cook, and I love to eat - a pretty bad combination when you want to lose 10 by Christmas!

The results? I gained 1.5 pounds from last Monday, putting me at -0.5 after two weeks.

Lesson learned (again): Despite the fact that I ran 7 miles Tuesday, 8 miles, and 6 miles on Friday (about 2100 calories burned), it just doesn't come close for making up for the food I ate here and there and the multiple dinner rolls, or the cheese and cracker tray during the Hawks loss to the Cowboys, or the pumpkin pie and cheesecake, and pecan pies, or the big breakfasts every morning, or the 5 pieces of pizza Saturday night....(you get the point).

In other words - your aerobic activity MUST be accompanied by healthy eating or you are fooling yourself into thinking you are losing weight from all that running!

Ok...back at it this week. I'm not too bummed about last week - it was a great time with the family, and it was Thanksgiving for pete's sake!

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