I'm working on my New Year Goals. The question of "what needs changed or attacked the most" fuels my focus. I've broken the targets into categories...I may add or subtract in the next 24 hours, but here's what I've got so far after a day of contemplation.
1. Read at least one book* a month. I read so many blogs and internet stuff, I need to actually set goals to deeply read books. My current list (in no particular order):
- Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson
- In a Pit with A Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson
- IT by Craig Groschel
- From Hope To Higher Ground by Mike Huckabee
- Making Vision Stick by Andy Stanley
- The Fine Line: Re-envisioning the Gap between Christ and Culture by Cary Oberbrunner
- Tribes by Seth Godin
- Death By Love by Mark Driscoll
- A Different Drummer: My Thirty Years With Ronald Regan by Michael K. Deaver
- Vintage Church by Mark Driscoll
- Passion For Jesus by Mike Bickle
- Crazy Love by Francis Chan
1. Run in the following races: - May 3rd: Bloomsday 12k (trying to break P.R. of 57:21 / 7:41pace)
- June 13th: Helvetia Half Marathon (trying to break P.R. of 1:48:05 / 8:15 pace)
- June 27th: Seattle Rock & Roll Half Marathon (running with newbie runners for fun)
- October 4th: Portland Marathon (trying to break P.R. of 04:04:06 / 9:19 pace)
3. Run 1200 miles (100 miles a month/25 miles a week) in 2009
1. Plan, experience, and record 52 dates with Jenn in 2009.* I'm hoping to take 52 pictures and write about 52 experiences. A quick coffee, or dinner in the Taco Bell drive-thru don't count! Even though she'll be giving birth to our first child, I'm going to work on creative ways to take her on one planned date each week.2. Plan, experience, and record one date a week with my new baby girl Elliana.* Honestly, I'm not sure what this will look like, but I want to be able to identify something I took time to plan with my baby girl.
3. Hand-write one letter each week to people who matter to me. Email, text, facebook, and blogging are great - but I think there is something powerful in the hand-written letter.
1. Participate in the Global Bridegroom Fast the first Monday - Wednesday of each month, with intensity.2. Read through the Bible.
3. Pray very specifically, on my knees, every day.
3. Give away more money than ever before.
4. Personally introduce someone to Jesus and the Salvation He offers (outside of church services).
*this does not include the bazillion books I'll probably be reading on FATHERHOOD!!!
**For the record, I plan on spending bazillion moments with both, but I want to take time to think and plan for each of them in a special way
***I don't really like a category like "spiritual" because a life following Christ involves the entire life and every decision - but this serves the purpose of specific targets to aim for in 2009.